18 and/or 19 January 2016. Individuals and families will be given a time slot and won’t be expected to be available both days
3-4 locations around Christchurch, more details to come
The aim of the movie is to show the ways that ordinary people have developed, experienced and used to manage worry and stress in the last few years in Canterbury. We hope that this will be a resource not only to celebrate resiliency in Canterbury, but a tool for people round the country and internationally to benefit from the experience and wisdom of Cantabrians.
We would like to get a cross section of people represented, many generations and some whole families on the movie. The movie will be broadcast on social media, and will be freely available for sharing online. It may become part of an exhibition during February at The Christchurch Museum specifically commemorating the February 11 earthquake.
The movie shoot will take the form of an interview in front of a camera. The interviewers will be either Simon Waterhouse (videographer) or Jo Scott, (journalist and PR expert). Some of the interviews will be with whole families, parts of families, groups of kids, couples etc. We would like a diverse mix of conversation to be able to draw from. The video of the interviews will then be edited by Simon (Resonate) into more of a story using clips from these interviews.
We intend these interviews to be free-flowing, so it is impossible to predict all the questions, however we have a general framework the interviewers will be working from.
There will be some general questions you might like to talk about with your children before the shoot
What does your family worry about?
When your Mum/daughter/sister worries, how do they behave?
Does worry stop you doing things?
What do/did your family do to get through?
What do you tell your children when they’re worried?
There will be questions directed at individuals about themselves, and also at individuals about other people, for example:
What do Mum and Dad worry about?
What advice would you give to other kids to stop themselves worrying?
Questions that help you imagine a different situation;
If you were braver, what would you do to beat your worries?
There will also be some light hearted questions
What would superman do?
What silly things do your family worry about?
Participants will be able to ask for edits or cuts of their answers on the day of filming, but after this the content cannot be changed in order that the videographer can do his work.
We would love you to be a part of the movie, but it is important of course to consider the consequences for your family. Sometimes just talking about these sorts of things can change things for people - in good and bad ways. Some people get more anxious talking about things, some people will hear new ideas or opinions from their family they have never heard before and that can make a change for them.
Please consider if you would like to take part, talk to your family about who would like to be involved and talk to us some more too so that you feel fully informed. You can sign up by emailing us at [email protected]