Teachers and parents were invited to participate in a 3 part online survey, of which the results are currently being collated. What became clear from the beginning was that the participants completing the surveys had a lot to say, about using the books, but also about what else they had done to protect their own, and their family's mental health in the years since the largest Canterbury earthquakes. The research team told us that the amount of comments participants were making, and the length of them was unusual in this type of research.
Based on this the research team went back to the Ethics Committee, and sought and gained approval to facilitate small group research forums. Participants are invited to attend and discuss how they used The Worry Bug Project resources, but also the other things they tried and used, and in particular the way they have used stories in their parenting and teaching.
To participate please contact Benita Stiles-Smith for more details [email protected]
The groups will take place in May in Christchurch.