Over the last three years 50 000 copies of our six titles have been used by schools for students from year 0 to year 9 in Canterbury, Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. Now schools outside of these regions have the opportunity to utilise these resources with their own students, teachers and families at a greatly reduced price. Stock is limited and orders will close on December 8th, or when stocks run out.
Each title has full lesson plans and curriculum links, along with notes and exercises for families. 'Rising Tide' and 'He Tai Pari' also has audio versions available through our site. This opportunity is open to all New Zealand schools, however we support individuals purchasing a class set as a gift for their school. Shop now, or email us for an invoice [email protected]
Maia/Wishes Class Set (Yr 0-4) $60.00 25 Maia/2Wishes